
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Missionary Introduction

This is our official article we wrote to introduce ourselves for our newsletter:
Hello everyone, we are the new missionaries.  Mucho gusto.

This being the first time we’ve met, we would like to say a few things about ourselves.  Along with the usual info, we thought we’d give a very interesting, and very not interesting fact about us.  Let’s get to it.

First up, there’s Natalie D’Orazio.  Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, she graduated in 2010.  Natalie is our nurse, which means she is automatically the least likely to get voted off the island.  The Farm’s not on an island?  Okay, well what you really need to know is she is awesome.  Her favorite things to do are reading, surfing or anything that involves being out on the open water.  Ocean water, though.  Lakes weird Natalie out.  Although she just learned to like Lake Atitlan here in Guatemala. Her very interesting fact is that her name means “Christmas Child” but she could not have been born farther from Christmas.  Her very not interesting fact is that she has lived in Florida her whole life.

Next, there’s Curtis Tripp.  Curtis is from Connecticut and went to Notre Dame.  He studied Environmental Science and Anthropology.  We all pretend like we know what that really means too.  In practice, we just know that he is able to identify any rock or tell the history of pretty much every culture we have encountered or brought up in conversation for four weeks straight now.  He uses words like breccia in everyday conversation and still doesn’t understand why after multiple explanations we don’t get what it is.  His very interesting fact is that he learned how to live off the land from aboriginal elders.  Really.  His very not interesting fact is that he doesn’t like condiments.
After that, we’ve got Curtis’ other half, Noelle.  She’s from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and also went to Notre Dame.  Noelle studied sociology and got her masters in global health.  She also likes Curtis.  Like, a lot.  And the outdoors.  Not as much as Curtis, though.  We’re all excited about having a married couple with us as part of our community at the Farm.  Noelle’s very interesting fact is that five days before the wedding, the church they were going to get married in burned down, and she was so not stressed out about it that she forgot to tell Curtis.  In the world of not very interesting facts, she likes cats.

Tiffany Ross is from Clearwater, Florida.  She went to Florida State and majored in International Affairs and Latin American and Caribbean Studies.  Her favorite things to do are rapping, traveling, running, and spending time with interesting people.  In addition to having a head start in Spanish classes from college.  Her most interesting fact is that she daily prays for the end of bees and wasps.  Curtis is very not okay with this and is quick to point out how ecologically shortsighted this is.  It’s safe to assume he is counter-praying.  Tiffany’s very not interesting fact is that she has a love/hate relationship with earthquakes.

Finally, there’s Pat Gothman.  From Dallas, Texas, he went to the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota where he majored in Philosophy and Catholic Studies.  Lots of strange things seem to happen to Pat, which means he always has good stories.  That’s what we’ll keep telling him anyway, until the strange stuff starts involving us, too.  So far, he has been the official group historian via writing and video.  Pat’s very interesting fact is that he unwittingly volunteered at a steakhouse/drug-lord-money-laundering outfit for two months.  A very not interesting fact about him is that he is tall and doesn’t fit in any “Guatemalan size” buildings.

We are all loving Guatemala and traveling and studying Spanish, but above all we can’t wait to get to Farm of the Child and begin our new lives as missionaries!


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