
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

All the glory!

I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to share my life here with my parents! It truly is something as well as I can try I can never do justice to share the full experiences here. I would just like to turn back and give proper glory to our Lord. I know my Dad spoke of things Laura and I were accomplishing but really we accomplish nothing, it is only by the grace of God that we are able to truly be His hands and feet in a very tangible way here.
     There is a beautiful quote by St. Teresa de Avila that has really come alive for me here,

"CRISTO no tiene otro cuerpo
que el TUYO;
no tiene MANOS ni pies en la tierra,
excepto los TUYOS.
Tuyos son los OJOS a través de los cuales
El mira a este mundo con COMPASION.
TUYAS son las manos
con las que El bendice
a todo el mundo."
- Santa Teresa de Avila

"Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion
is to look out to the earth,
yours are the feet by which He is to go about doing good
and yours are the hands by which He is to bless us now."
- St Teresa of Avila

What humility of our Lord!

I truly want to thank everyone for all our your prayers and encouraging words but also want to say that we are all missionaries! Really, I'm not doing anything more extraordinary than anyone else. I am, by the grace of God, living out the vocation He has given me at this time. Remember that the vocation of Our Lady. She was not give her life as religious or live as a foreign missionary but rather lived out her vocation perfectly in the day to day as wife and mother and how extraordinary it was! I encourage you all to pray for your vocations and I will be praying as well for open hearts and courage to live out your call!



  1. God Bless U Natalia!!! Italian haha!!! I shared with Chrissy and Agustin! They loved your blog. All the men @ TMIY send their love and prayers!! Mom and I's group reunion in Cursillo (Spanish) haha, send their love and prayers!!! Thank you and all the missionaries for all you are and all you do! You all are truly the hands and feet of Christ. I love the quote for St. Theresa!!! I shared it during the Action talk at the retreat. A similar story, soldiers during WWII, found a pieces of the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue. They tried to put him back together. Everything was found but HIS hands. So they made a sign, HE has no hands now, but yours!!!
    I love you!!! I can't wait for 6/17/14!!! All our love and prayers 24/7!!! Get your bocce game on!!! We tossed a few in Atlanta!!! As Grandpa used to say, "The Good Lord is in our corner!" Pass it on!!! Love you!!! Pappi

  2. Prayers and best wishes from CTK TMIY!
