Happy Monday! Just gotta love those mondays. I thought I would just share a monday story with you. So coming off retreat high and back to the "finca week" I was off to a rough start, trying to gather up all the grace I could this morning during prayer. But you know Satan somehow manages to steal that extra 30minutes of morning that you would've liked to prepare yourself for the day…yup that's how it started. Anyways clinic days while beautiful and I always feel so blessed from the interactions with the patients can sometimes be overwhelming and you walk up the dirt road pass house 5 and strain your eyes to see through the bushes that surround the entrance. Are the bancos full? It's always a good sign when there's people sitting out in front by the tree too (At least a 3pm day:) I hope the luz (electricity) doesn't go out…oh ya within the first 2 hours ya se fue. ( ya it went. haha) After finishing, next heading to a meeting. Man gotta love mondays. And just when you think you're done and can eat a banana maybe or some now delicious rice that might be left over from lunch, just to have more for dinner in 30 minutes…I see Elena a Britiani. "Nati vamos a rezar víspers por la playa ahorita. Vas a venir?" ("Nati were going to pray evening prayer on the beach. Are you coming?") Ohh. So I would like to say that I was thrilled, and had every desire to pray with children on the beach, geez what's wrong with me, how could I not? My first thought was however was… (I'm sure oldies will appreciate this) Pucha nombre… (Really I'm not quite sure of the literal translation maybe like dangit man…haha) I just wanted sit down for a minute, or eat, or pee. haha. But before I could even finish that selfish thought:) "¡Nati apurate!" (Hurry up Nati!) "Ya vengo" (I'm coming) I love answering the kids with the same phrases they use :) I have to say when you can truly let go of yourself, even in the small things, you can receive such amazing graces! We had such a beautiful prayer time on the beach as the sun was setting with both chic as competing over who would read. I was trying to think of the last time I volunteered to read…let alone try and compete with someone for the reading. Excited to read the word of God though they probably don't realize the importance of the exercise nor the words, but doing it whole-heartedly anyway, making faces during the times they weren't reading, throwing grapes seeds, but what innocent prayer. I remember one time hearing at a conference that our prayer is simply an offering to the Lord. The speaker used a beautiful analogy about our prayer being like a picture a child draws and gives to his parent. The parent (hopefully) accept it for what it is and find the beauty in it. In the same way the Lord excepts our prayer with all its distractions and deems it as beautiful…then puts in on the fridge:)
Thank you Lord for a beautiful monday, bring on Tuesday:)
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